When you come to a place like Santa Fe and stay long enough, you’ll get to know a lot of people who are in later seasons of life. Recently, I was … [Read more...]
Is It Time to Ask What Matters Too Much?
That Didn’t Take Long—What Happened to the New Year? The excitement and optimism for the new year has sure worn-off in a hurry. And I like to think … [Read more...]
A Time to Listen… Why I have no reason to talk right now
Might this be a time to listen? Deeply disturbed by what I witnessed on television... a man murdered as others watched, I was certain that to write … [Read more...]
Why are people reacting to the pandemic in different ways?
Why are people reacting to the pandemic in so many different ways? It’s a good question. I’ve wondered why people appear to be all over the … [Read more...]
Remembering September 11th—America’s Heart Weighs Heavy
The memory of September 11th bears hard on the soul. Even still, the wound is raw. Our hearts remain heavy. The first thing I noticed when I … [Read more...]