Everything changes. Just about everything in this world is in a state of constant change. Some faster than others. And we know the line…
Change is the only constant in life.”
— Heraclitus of Ephesus
Yet we resist… we fight… we deny…
We refuse to let go of the way things were.
I met a guy yesterday who had been ‘downsized.’ He decided the Universe was speaking to him. Saying… “just let go of the career you’ve wanted to leave for the past ten or so years.”
He set out to reinvent himself at fifty-something and is doing quite well.
His only regret—not starting it sooner.
Many of us (most of us) know people my age and your age having to start again—usually not by choice. Some take it in stride. Others? Not so well.
People simply don’t like starting over…
While at the same time, we often know at least one person who makes a sport out of starting over. For me, it’s a step-brother-in-law. How do they do it? Who do you know like that?
Humans living in the so-called modern world tend not to prepare for misfortune even when we know it’s headed our way. The vast majority of companies will precondition employees when a layoff is about to occur.
The idea is to get them to consider the possibility—to start thinking about options.
What if the work you were doing at 35, the work that made you feel on top of the world no longer floats your boat at 50? Or your boss’s boat?
Somethings going to change. Something’s gotta give. You just might find your name on the wrong list.
And that’s where we get stuck. We get attached to the way things used to be, even if that world no longer exists.”
I remember the keynote speech at my high school graduation. Father Bob, a well-loved local Catholic priest spoke on letting go. On being brave enough to let go of what feels comfortable and familiar… for that which lies ahead.
We let go so we can move on.
Resistance leads to friction. Letting go only feels more difficult. Because it feels uncomfortable, unfamiliar, insecure (even when it’s not).
The one thing we all can count on… it’s just not staying the same around here.
Ready to let go?
Be untucked.
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Copyright © 2019 Jeff Meister
Lou says
As always, Jeff, you have given us a choice morsel to chew.
One of my favorite life quotes is: “If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always gotten.”
There are times when we must change!
Jeff Meister says
Thanks Lou, I love that quote too! We may not always want to change, but the world doesn’t tend to wait around very long.