Yes, get your yayas out... you heard right. Maybe we just need to get it all out? We’ve gotten so busy, so wrapped-up, so stressed-out from living in … [Read more...]
This Is Not Your Only Shot
"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many … [Read more...]
We’re all flawed… or why you don’t need to be fixed
Are you tired of living in a world hell bent on fixing you and your weaknesses? You need to improve this, then that, then something else. The idea … [Read more...]
Have a great vacation by leaving some room around the edges
Have you ever had one of those moments on a nice vacation when you’re having a great time doing what you’re doing, but it’s time to go on to the next … [Read more...]
Footloose and Digital Free… Doing Analog in a Digital World
Doing Analog in a Digital world… Our journey in the LifeUntucked community is to reconnect with the ‘soul’ of living and to the life well … [Read more...]
The Art of Slowing Down—Part I
“There is more to life than simply increasing its speed” -- Mahatma Gandhi Feel like it’s all moving too fast? Like everything’s spinning out of … [Read more...]
How to leave the world behind and get away from it all
It’s time to give yourself a break. You know you need it. It’s never too late to take a few days off and get away from it all. Of course, summer is … [Read more...]
The Isolation of Having a Busy Life
"Work and the pursuit of success can be isolating." - Thomas Joiner, PhD in MensHealth magazine March 2014 When I first read that quote, it struck … [Read more...]
“Busyness” is Bullshit…
Have you bought into the madness of being sooo busy? Did that strike too close to home? I hope not. But if it did, hang with me… Because it’s got … [Read more...]
Let’s Spread Good Vibes with a Nod, Smile, Hey, or Hello!
The Score Was 0 – 4 and I’m Worried… but a “Hey” Got the Nod in the End. We’ve had an unbelievable string of near perfect summer days here in the … [Read more...]